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our thoughts.

RenB Digital

5 Digital Marketing Fails

People try to sell you something, every day. Whether it is the timid girl at the mall asking you to try the perfume, or the flooding mails in your Promotional Inbox. Your power to purchase is being pulled in a million directions, yet, ultimately deciding what you want to spend money on isn’t that hard. Why? Because, you either have a need or there are certain brands that just stand out. You see them, you want to be a part of their inner circle, and you fall for all they have to offer.

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RenB Digital

How to write a GREAT Brand Story – 3 easy steps

It’s a battlefield out
there. Digital Marketers going on days of binge campaign creating. Designers,
putting war paint on their graphics. Copy writers are taking risky wordplay decisions.
It feels almost impossible to win this ‘War Of The Brands’.

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RenB Digital

Lay’s gets a makeover

Some brands are just family. Lay’s is one of those brands. The well-known chips and crisps brand have packaging designs that are seared into our brains. You see it at your local kiraana or grab it subconsciously during your supermarket run. If someone opens a packet of Lay’s in front of you (no matter how much air they fill it with) chances are you’ll reach out to grab a chip.

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